Real Estate and

Land Law

Real Estate Law has a connection with several branches of law (environmental, urban development, notarial, civil, constitutional, administrative and others).
The participation of the professional specialized in Real Estate Law has been of great importance in the current market, especially in the consulting and legal advisory activities of real estate development and business and in the most varied demands of urban and rural land regularization.
Real estate/land law is one of the strengths of Figueiredo, Werkema and Coimbra Advogados.
– Advice on real estate developments of allotment and real estate development;

– Advising on voluntary and involuntary resettlement;

– Urban and rural land regularization;

– Supervision of judicial measures of expropriation and establishment of easements;

– Expertise in inventories and adverse possession;

– Provision of multidisciplinary team for the release of construction fronts, with specialized services of engineers and cartographers;